Monday, August 12, 2019


بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ


رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ
وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ
وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ


رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ
 وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ 


According to Ibn Abi’l-Dunya, the following verses were composed by Mahmud al-Warraq(مَحْمُودٍ الْوَرَّاقِ):
 إِذَا كَانَ شُكْرِي نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ نِعْمَةً
 عَلَيَّ لَهُ فِي مِثْلِهَا يَجِبُ الشُّكْرُ
 فَكَيْفَ بُلُوغُ الشُّكْرِ إِلَّا بِفَضْلِهِ
 وَإِنْ طَالَتِ الْأَيَّامُ وَاتَّصَلَ الْعُمْرُ
إِذَا مَسَّ بِالسَّرَّاءِ عَمَّ سُرُورُهَا
 وَإِنْ مَسَّ بِالضَّرَّاءِ أَعْقَبَهُ الْأَجْرُ
وَمَا مِنْهُمَا إِلَّا لَهُ فِيهِ نِعْمَةٌ
 تَضِيقُ بِهَا الْأَوْهَامُ وَالْبَرُّ وَالْبَحْرُ

If my expression of gratitude to Allah for His blessings is a blessing,
Then how can one thank Him save by His Grace, no matter how much time passes or how long one is  alive?
If He sends prosperity, it brings along happiness. And if He sends adversity, He quickly follows with reward
In both, indeed, He exhibits His Bounty, too huge to be encompassed by men, land, and sea

O people gone on Hajj Pilgrimage

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Maulana Rumi beseeches the pilgrims in this poem from Deewan-e-Shams:

ای قوم به حج رفته کجایید کجایید
معشوق همین جاست بیایید بیایید
O people gone on Hajj Pilgrimage
Where are you? Where are you?
The Beloved is right here
Come on back! Come on back!
معشوق تو همسایه و دیوار به دیوار
در بادیه سرگشته شما در چه هوایید
Your Beloved is your next-door neighbor -
Wall-to-Walls -
Why are you wandering in the Arabian deserts?
گر صورت بی‌صورت معشوق ببینید
هم خواجه و هم خانه و هم کعبه شمایید
If you take a good look at Beloved's Faceless Face,
You 'll get to see clearly that
The Master, the Holy House, and the Kaaba
Are all in reality You!
ده بار از آن راه بدان خانه برفتید
یک بار از این خانه بر این بام برآیید
You've already journeyed like ten times
On the path of Hajj-Pilgrimage
To visit that Holy House.
For once in your life,
Also climb up to the roof of your own house.

آن خانه لطیفست نشان‌هاش بگفتید
از خواجه آن خانه نشانی بنمایید
That Holy House is indeed magnificent
You've already talked about its many wonders.
But from the Master of that House,
Did you even get its correct address?
یک دسته گل کو اگر آن باغ بدیدیت
یک گوهر جان کو اگر از بحر خدایید
Where is your flower bouquet
If you've seen that Divine Garden?
Where is your soul's pearly essence
If you now belong to the Ocean of God?
با این همه آن رنج شما گنج شما باد
افسوس که بر گنج شما پرده شمایید
Well, despite of it all,
May all your sufferings turn into your treasures.
Alas, you're always veiling your own treasures

Where are they now?

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Khayyam writes in one of his Rubaiyat:

آن قصر که با چرخ همیزد پهلو
بر درگه آن شهان نهادندی رو

دیدیم که بر کنگره‌اش فاخته‌ای
بنشسته همی گفت که کوکوکوکو

Roughly translated, it means:

That castle/palace which reached the sky
Towards whose door prostrated kings

All that remained on it's towers
A ringdove  singing repeatedly Koo Koo, Koo, Koo (where are they now)