بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Hazrat Junaid ibn Muhammad Abu al-Qasim al-Khazzaz al-Baghdadi (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) (830-910 AD) was one of the great early Persian Muslim Sufis and is a central figure in the golden chain of many Sufi orders. He laid the groundwork for sober mysticism in contrast to that of God-intoxicated Sufis like al-Hallaj, Bayazid Bastami and Abusaeid Abolkheir. The following statement of his is recorded in the "Kashf Al Mahjub", by Abul Hassan Ali Ibn Usman al-Jullabi al-Hajvery al-Ghaznawi (May Allah Be Pleased with Him):
اَلتصوّف مبنیٌّ علی ثمانِ خصالٍ
السَّخاءِ، و الرِّضاءِ، و الصّبرِ و الإشارةِ و الغربة و لُبْسِ الصُّوفِ و السیّاحة و الفقرِ
اماّ السخّاءُ فلاِبراهیمَ
و اماّ الرضّاءُ فَلإسحاق
و اماّالصبّر فلأیوّبَ
و اما الإشارةِ فلِزَکریاّ
و اما الغربةِ فَلِیحیی
و اماّ لُبسُ الصوّف فلِموسی
و اماّ السیّاحةُ فلِعیسی
و اماّ الفقرُ فَلِمحمّدٍ
صلواتُ اللّهِ علیهم اجمعينَ
Tasawwuf is founded on eight qualities, generosity, acquiescence, patience, symbolism, traveling(strange hood), woolen dress, pilgrimage hood and faqr (poverty).
- the generosity of Abraham (may blessings of Allah be on him), who offered his son for sacrifice;
- the acquiescence of Ishaq (may blessings of Allah be on him), who submitted to the command of Allah to give up his life
- the patience of Ayub (may blessings of Allah be on him),who patiently endured the affliction of worms and the jealousy of the Merciful;
- the symbolism of Zakarriya (may blessings of Allah beon him), to whom Allah said,“thou shalt speak to no man for three days but with signal.” (Q3:41) and again to the same effect, “Behold! He cried to his Lord in secret.” (Q 19:3):
- the traveling (strange hood) of Yahya (may blessings of Allah be on him), who was a stranger in his own country and an alien to his own kin;
- the wearing of wool by Moses (may blessings of Allah be on him), who wore woolen garment throughout;
- the pilgrimage hood of Jesus (may blessings of Allah be on him), who was so detached therein from worldly things that he kept only a cup and a comb. He threw away his cup when he saw a man drinking water through use of palms of his hands, and the comb likewise when he saw another man using his fingers to dress his hair;
- the poverty of Muhammad (peace be upon him), to whom Allah Almighty had given the keys of all the worldly treasures saying: “Lay no trouble on you, but procure every luxury by means of these treasures;” and he answered: “Lord, I desire them not, keep me one day full-fed and one day hungry.”
its really so beautiful in arabic...