Wednesday, November 20, 2019

All is Love

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Many Muslim thinkers have written extensively on love, and famous Sufis are seen as proponents of the doctrine of love.  Most famous among them is Rumi, who is seen as the epitome of love, says in this extract from his poem:

از محبت تلخها شیرین شود
Due to love, bitter becomes sweet
از محبت مسها زرین شود
Due to love copper becomes gold
از محبت دردها صافی شود
Due to love the pain becomes alleviated
از محبت دردها شافی شود
Due to love, sickness is healed
از محبت مرده زنده می‌کنند
Due to love the dead are revived
از محبت شاه بنده می‌کنند
Due to love kings become slaves

I also came across this interesting quatrain from either Saadi Shirazi or Khalilullah Khalili (hard to establish), which goes so far as to say that everything is love:

 در خرمن كاینات كردیم نگاه
 یك دانه محبت است و باقی همه كاه 
 Peering through the sheaf of the Universe
 I saw only the grain of love and rest was chaff

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