Sunday, November 15, 2020

All that I have brought


بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Nūr ad-Dīn 'Abd ar-Rahmān Jāmī, one of the most prolific writers, scholars and poets of Islam is known for several odes to the Prophetﷺ . This particularly moving ode, titled,  (صد سلامت می فرستم هر دم ای فخر کرام), Oh glorious one ﷺ, I extend hundred greetings to you with every breath of mine, is often recited in prayer assemblies of pious people, especially in my homeland Kashmir.


یا شَفیعَ الْمُذْنِبین بار گناه آورده ام
بر درت این بار با پشت دو تا
ه آورده ام
 چشمِ رحمت برگُشا، موی سفیدِ من نِگر
گرچه از شرمندگی روی سیاه آورده ام
آن نمی گویم که بودم سال ها در راهِ تو
هستم آن گُمره که اکنون رو به راه آورده ام
عجز و بی خویشی و
درویشی و دلریشی و درد
این همه بر دعوی عشقت، گواه آورده ام
دیو رَهْزن در کمین، نفس و هوا اعدای دین
زین همه با سایه لُطفت پناه آورده ام

گر چه روی معذرت نگذاشت گستاخی مرا
کرده گستاخی زبان عُذرخواه آورده ام

بسته ام بر یکدیگر نخلی ز خارستان طبع
سوی فردوسِ برین مُشتی گیاه آورده ام
Oh intercessor of sinners, I come bearing a load of sins
To your door,  I am stooping with this burden I am carrying
With your merciful gaze, glance at my white hair
Despite, shamefully, I have brought a blackened face

I don’t mean to say to have been on your path for years
I am that astray person who just turned back towards the right path
Inability, kindredless-ness, heartbreak, being a dervish and pain
I declare my love for you, bringing these witnesses
The deceiving demons lying in ambush, ego and desire - enemies of faith
I seek refuge from them all, under your beneficent shadow
Although my impudence left no room for excuses
Having been impudent, I come with an apologetic tongue 
I have tied together a few stalks of palms from my nature
To the green paradise I just have brought these handful of plants

This is a simple recitation for your benefit: