Thursday, November 2, 2017

Ode to the Prophet

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Maulana Jami (نورالدین عبدالرحمن جامی) was a 15th century poet and theologian from what is modern day Afghanistan. A great scholar and mystic of the school of thought of Ibn Arabi, he has written seversal devotional poems (na'at) in honor of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). This is reportedly one of them which is regularly recited in masjids around Kashmir, however, it is not to be found in his collection (diwan):

یا رسولِ ہاشمی قربان نامت جانِ من
جانِ من جانانِ من با جملہ فرزاندانِ من
O Messenger(ﷺ), from the Hashemites, May my life be sacrificed in your name
And my soul, O Beloved (ﷺ), including all my progeny

از شعاعِ نور پاکِ تو منوّر یا رسول
دیدہٴ من سینہٴ من قلبِ من قلبانِ من
By the rays of your pure countenance did indeed
My eyes, my breast, my heart and my soul get illuminated

حضرت یعقوب می گوید فدایت یا رسول
دیدہٴ من یوسفِ من مصرِ من کنعانِ من 
Prophet Yaqub(عليه السلام) said that May I be sacrificed to you O Prophet(ﷺ)
And my eyes, and my Yousuf(عليه السلام), and my Egypt and Canaan

بندہٴ کم طاعتم از لطف آزادم بکن
خواجہٴ من سیدِ من شاهِ من سلطانِ من
I am a slave who obeys but little, yet free me
O my master, my leader, my king, my sultan

خاکِ راہِ  رہروانِ راہِ عشقت یا رسول
 سرمہٴ من دیدہٴ من چشمِ من چشمانِ من
The dust from the foot marks of travelers in the path of your love
Forms the collyrium of my eyes, and my eyes, and even my eyesight

یا رسولِ ابطحی بابُ السّلام روضہ ات
 قبلہٴ من کعبہٴ من دینِ من ایمانِ من
O Prophet(ﷺ) from Al-abtah, the bab al-salaam of your shrine is 
My Qiblah, my Ka'abah, my religion and my faith

سجدہٴ پاکت کہ باشد در قیامت یا رسول
 راحتِ من رحمتِ من ابرِ من نیسانِ من
Your sincere prostration on the Day of Judgment, O Prophet(ﷺ)
Will be my solace, my mercy, my shade and my Nisan

یک تكَّلم زان دو لعل شكَّرین فرما کہ ہست
قوّتِ من قوتِ من یاقوتِ من مرجانِ من
From those sweet garnet lips, do utter a phrase that becomes
My strength, my nutrition, ruby, my pearl

چشم دارد جامی مسکین
کہ فرمائی قبول
گریہٴ من نالہٴ من آہِ من افغا
نِ من
A glance of acceptance for-Jami the pauper doesn't have anything else but-
my tears, my laments, my sighs and my pleas

Sunday, April 16, 2017

His Eminence

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

This is a poem attributed to Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi  ( المحدث شيخ عبدالحق الدهلوي‎‎) which he uttered upon visiting the masjid of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), which is often recited in the Indian Sub-continent:

 یا صاحب الجمال و یا سیدالبشر
O master of beauty, O leader of mankind
من وجہک المنیر لقد نور القمر
Verily your blessed countenance lit up the moon

لا یمکن الثناء کما کان حقہ
It being impossible to praise you as you truly deserve,

 بعد از خدا بزرگ توئی قصہ مختصر

(I only can state that) after God, you are the greatest and the matter ends there.

Six things a seeker must possess

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Hazrat Shaikh Abu Ismaïl Abdullah al-Herawi al-Ansari or Khajah Abdullah Ansari of Herat   خواجه عبدالله انصاری‎, the  Peer-e Herat wrote in one of his earlier treatises, the صد میدان   (One Hundred Fields), that to attain spiritual stations, it is imperative that the seeker possesses the following six invaluable traits:

تعظیم امر
  بیم مكر
 لزوم عذر
    خدمت بسنت
  زیستن برفاقت
برخلق بشفقت

For English speakers, it is roughly translated as:
  1. Great respect for the (Divine) commandment ('amr)
  2. Fear of the ruse/deception (makr
  3. Necessity of excuse or apology for others('uzr)
  4. Serving others, in accordance with the Prophetic tradition
  5. Living in (spiritual) company
  6. Love and kindness towards creation

His Beauty

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

There is a poem by Hassan Ibn Thabit (رضي الله عنه‎), praising the beauty of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), which is considered to be one of the best pieces of poetry in his praise, referenced (here):

وأَحسنُ منكَ لم ترَ قطُّ عيني
More excellent than you, my eye has never seen, 

وَأجْمَلُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَلِدِ النّسَاءُ
Never been born, one handsomer than you 

خلقتَ مبرأً منْ كلّ عيبٍ
You were created free from any flaw whatsoever,

كأنكَ قدْ خلقتَ كما تشاءُ
As though you were created just the way you wanted

You can listen to it here:

Invest in the everlasting

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

There is a poem by Imam al-Sajjad (عليه السلا), referenced in Al-Bidāya wa-n-nihāya (البداية والنهاية) by Ismail ibn Kathir (here):

تُخَـرِّبُ مَـا يَبْقَى، وَتعْمُرُ فَانِياً 
Destroying what is everlasting you are building the perishing

 فَلاَ ذَاكَ مَوْفُورٌ، وَلاَ ذَاكَ عَامرُ 
Neither will the former be intact, nor will the latter flourish

 وَهَلْ لَكَ إِنْ وَافَاكَ حَتْفُكَ بَغْتَةً 
And when your fate catches up to you all of a sudden

 وَلَمْ تَكْتَسِبْ خَيْرَاً لَدَى اللهِ عَاذِرُ؟ 
What excuse will you have before your Lord? 

 أَتَرْضَى بِأَنْ تُقْضَى الحَياةُ وَتَنْقَضِي 
How will you be content when your life is over

 وَدِينُـكَ مَنْقُوصٌ وَمَالكَ وَافِرُ؟
 If your deen is deficient, but (only) your wealth abundant? 

A rendering with slightly different rendering can be watched below:

Learning from a Dog

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Al-Hasan ibn Abi-l-Hasan al-Basri popularly known as Hasan of Basrah (حسن البصري) has reportedly prescribed to his disciples the following:

A dog possesses ten praiseworthy traits, that should be present in a seeker:

أنه لا يزال جائعا، وذلك من آداب الصالحين

It stays in a state of hunger, and that is the etiquette of the righteous.

أنه لايكون له موضع يعرف به، وذلك من علامات المتوكلين

The second is that he does not have a fixed place to sleep. This is the condition of wanderers who rely on God

أنه لا ينام من الليل إلا قليل، وذلك من صفات المحسنين

The third is that it does not sleep at night, except a little. This is the trait of the excellent ones.

أنه إذا مات لا يكون له ميراث، وذلك من اخلاق الزاهدين

The fourth is that it leaves behind absolutely nothing when it dies. This is the characteristic of the pious.

أنه لا يهجر أخاه وإن جفاه وطرده، وذلك من شيم المريدين

The fifth is that it does not forsake its master. Even if he beats it, it does not abandon him. This is a sign of the seekers.

أنه يرضى من الدنيا بأدنى يسير، وذلك من إشارات المتواضعين

The sixth is that he accepts a humble place and remains there. This is a sign of the humble.

أنه إذا غلب عن مكانه تركه وانصرف إلى غيره، وذلك من علامات الراضي

The seventh is that if his residence is taken over, he leaves it for another place, and this is an indicator of those pleased with their Lord

أنه إذا طرد ثم دعي أجاب، وذلك من اخلاق الخاشعين

The eighth is that even if its master  shoos it away, it returns happily without delay as soon as its summoned back. This is the character of the devout.

أنه إذا حضر شيء من الأكل وقف ينظر من بعد، وذلك من أخلاق المساكين

The ninth is that it remains at a distance and does not approach when food is being prepared. This is the attitude of the impoverished.

أنه إذا رحل من مكانه لا يرحل بشيء، وذلك من علامات المجردين

The tenth is that, when it moves, it does not carry any belongings. This is a symbol of the ascetics